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Be Future-Ready: Career Skills for Tomorrow’s Scientific Leaders

Instructor: Emily Rappitt
Group size: 15-25 

Duration: 3 hrs

Experience a dynamic circuit of future-ready skills in this interactive workshop, using Lego Serious Play, AI insights, and group discussions to develop the cognitive, social, emotional, and creative skills needed for success in the evolving professional landscape. Learn to effectively manage your career sustainability and create a powerful professional brand, leaving with a personalized action plan for excelling in your current role or confidently transitioning to new opportunities.

Talking Science

Instructor: SpeakUp Lab
Group size: 6-10 

Duration: 3-4 hrs

Get prepared to effectively communicate your research to other scientists and learn methods to spark interest. In this workshop we cover public speaking and science communication skills that translate to workplace, PhD defense and family dinner table. And of course we won’t forget the most important bit: tailoring your message to the people listening to you!  

Grant Proposals: Building Blocks and Writing Strategies

Instructor: Philipp Mayer
Group size: 12-20

Duration: 3.5 hrs

​For grant proposals, we explore building blocks and quality criteria. In addition, we highlight differences between paper writing and grant writing. Thus, this workshop provides effective strategies for writing successful grant proposals.

Looking Good! Graphic Design Essentials for Scientists

Instructor: Fabienne Estermann
Group size: 15

Duration: 3 hrs

In this workshop, you will learn about graphic design essentials and how we as scientists can use them to make our graphics and posters stand out. We will look at your own work and discuss it in the group. To do so, bring either a graphic or poster you want to improve with you and don't forget your laptop with your preferred design program installed.

From Ideas to Impact: Building and Funding Your Startup in Life Sciences

Instructor: Agnes Zoller
Group size: 20-25 

Duration: 2-4 hrs

This interactive workshop is designed for aspiring founders in life sciences, focusing on transforming innovative research ideas into viable business opportunities. You'll learn how to craft a compelling business model using the Business Model Canvas and explore tailored funding strategies that bridge public and private opportunities. Through real-world case studies/examples, practical challenges, and engaging Q&A sessions, participants will gain insights into go-to-market strategies, entrepreneurship challenges, and actionable steps to navigate the path from idea to successful startup through funding and business model development. Ideal for those ready to turn their scientific discoveries into impactful ventures!

F.A.I.R. Microscopy: Imaging Ethics, Data Management, and Figure Design for Life Scientists

Instructor: Imaging Core FAcility Biozentrum
Group size: 15 

Duration: 3 hrs

Join us for a comprehensive workshop organized by the Imaging Core Facility in Basel, designed to enhance your understanding of data ethics, management, and scientific communication.

The session will start with a lecture on FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) and ethics. In the hands-on workshops, you'll first dive into ethical considerations and best practices for data management, followed by an interactive session on creating effective scientific figures. This workshop will be perfect for researchers looking to improve both their ethical approach and data presentation skills.

You can register for the workshops through the main conference registration link. 


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